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标题:Keep The Faith - Bon Jovi

判官 发表于:2014-06-26 1:49:08

Keep The Faith - Bon Jovi                    坚持信仰 - 邦乔维         持心坚 - 邦乔维
Mother mother tell your children                 亲爱的妈妈请告诉您的孩子     慈母怜兮,循循劝
That their time has just begun                   他们的时光才刚刚开始         路漫漫兮其修远
I have suffered for my anger                     我被我的愤怒折磨着           怒火燃兮,心熬煎
There are wars that can't be won                 这是一场我无法胜利的战争     东风无力百花残
Father father please believe me                  亲爱的爸爸请相信我           严父讪兮,灼灼谏
I am laying down my guns                         我正在放弃抗争               心底无私天地宽
I am broken like an arrow                        我正像一支箭一样被折断       骨摧断兮,魂破散
Forgive me                                       原谅我                       愧兮惭兮
Forgive your wayward son                         原谅你任性的儿子             年少轻狂薄云天

Everybody needs somebody to love                 每个人都需要去爱某些人       仁爱道德皆所善
Everybody needs somebody to hate                 每个人都难免去恨某些人       贪嗔痴恨俱难免
Everybody's bitching 'cause they can't get enough所有人都在为欲求不满而抱怨   人心不足蛇吞象
And it's hard to hold on                         如果没有谁可以依靠           孤立无援
When there's no one to lean on                   那真的很难坚持下去           人生多艰
Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain  你知道你可以忍受这凄风冷雨   凄风冷雨无足怨
Lord you gotta keep the faith                    主啊,你要坚持信仰           神佛相佑持心坚
Faith: don't you let your love turn to hate      不要让你的爱变成恨吧         爱恨无常莫着念
Now we gotta keep the faith                      此刻我们要坚持信仰           刹那弹指持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Lord we gotta keep the faith                     主啊,我们要坚持信仰         神佛相佑持心坚

Tell me baby when I hurt you                     如果我伤害了你亲爱的请告诉我 痴情男女人世间
Do you keep it all inside                        你是否都藏于心中             相对无语心缱绻
Do you tell me all's forgiven                    你是否会告诉我都已释然       无怨无悔皆妄言
And just hide behind your pride                  却只是被自尊掩盖的伪装       心魔无相蚀骨穿
Everybody needs somebody to love                 每个人都需要去爱某些人       仁爱道德皆所善
Everybody needs somebody to hate                 每个人都难免去恨某些人       贪嗔痴恨俱难免
Everybody's bleeding 'cause the times are tough  每个人都在为岁月无情而伤痛   岁月蹉跎黄花残
Well it's hard to be strong                      当没什么可梦想的时候         南柯虚幻
When there's no one to dream on                  那真的很难坚强               断壁残垣
Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain  你知道你可以忍受这凄风冷雨   凄风冷雨无足怨
Lord you gotta keep the faith                    主啊,你要坚持信仰           神佛相佑持心坚
Faith: don't you know it's never too late        要知道,永远都不会太迟       朝闻夕死亦圆满
Right now we gotta keep the faith                此刻我们要坚持信仰           刹那弹指持心坚
Faith: don't you let your love turn to hate      不要让你的爱变成恨吧         爱恨无常莫着念
Lord we gotta keep the faith                     主啊,我们要坚持信仰         神佛相佑持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Oh we gotta keep the faith                       哦,我们要坚持信仰           呜呼哀哉持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Lord we gotta keep the faith                     主啊,我们要坚持信仰         神佛相佑持心坚

(Spoken)                                        (念白)                     (吟诵)
I've been walking in the footsteps               我正在踏着我人生的脚步       人生如戏步履乱
Of society's lies                                穿过这个社会横流的谎言       世事若梦俱妄言
I don't like what I see no more                  我不喜欢我所见到的那些       魑魅魍魉皆入眼
Sometimes I wish that I was blind                有时我真希望自己眼盲         但求瞽目不得见
Sometimes I wait forever                         有时我会永恒的等待           亦曾苦待晨曦现
To stand out in the rain                         伫立在雨中                   烟雨平生若等闲
So no one sees me cryin'                         那样就没人看到我哭泣         男儿血泪避人面
Trying to wash away the pain                     试图这样来洗去伤痛           啮心蚀骨未足言

Mother father                                    爸爸妈妈                     母兮父兮列祖先
There's things I've done I can't erase           曾做过的一切我无法抹去       开弓岂有回弦箭
Every night we fall from grace                   每个夜晚当我辜负了上天恩赐   背弃上苍为何缘
It's hard with the world in yours face           面容上展现的世界太艰难       滚滚红尘蚀容颜
Trying to hold on, trying to hold on             试图坚持,试图坚持啊         九死未悔持心坚

Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain  你知道你可以忍受这凄风冷雨   凄风冷雨无足怨
Lord you gotta keep the faith                    主啊,你要坚持信仰           神佛相佑持心坚
Faith: don't you let your love turn to hate      不要让你的爱变成恨吧         爱恨无常莫着念
Right now we gotta keep the faith                此刻我们要坚持信仰           刹那弹指持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Try to hold on, trying to hold on                试图坚持,试图坚持           九死未悔持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Everybody keep the faith                         所有人坚持信仰               芸芸众生持心坚

Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
Keep the faith                                   坚持信仰                     持心坚
H-Ye-Yi-Ye-Yi-Ye-Yi-Ye-YiYa                      星星花花圈圈叉叉             揭谛揭谛波罗揭谛……

判官 发表于:2014-08-16 20:41:31







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