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标题:time after time - cindy lauper

判官 发表于:2005-03-12 11:33:12

    很久很久以前,大约88、89年前后吧,不知道大家记不记得流行迪斯科和霹雳舞的时候,一个王牌的磁带专辑系列《荷东》。第一次听到这支歌是在那里,tech-beat remix版的,男声演唱。今天找到了最初的原版。

time after time - cindy lauper                       反反复复 - 辛迪·劳波

lying in my bed I hear the clock tick                躺在床上听着钟声嘀嗒
and think of you                                     思念着你
caught up in circles confusion                       陷入混乱的怪圈
is nothing new                                       没有什么新鲜的
flashback                                            思绪闪回
warm nights                                          那些温暖的夜晚
almost left behind                                   几乎都已淡忘
suitcases of memories                                锁着记忆的手提箱
time after time                                      反反复复

sometimes you picture me                             有时你形容我
I'm walking too far ahead                            我在你前面走得太远
you're calling to me                                 你呼唤我
I can't hear what you've said                        我却听不到你说什么
then you say go slow                                 然后你说慢下来
I fall behind                                        我就落到了后面
the second hand unwinds                              早就很清楚了

if you're lost you can look and you will find me     如果你失败你可以环顾并且找到我
time after time                                      反反复复
if you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting         如果你沉落我会抓住你我会等待你
time after time                                      反反复复

after my picture fades                               等到我的照片退色
and darkness has turned to gray                      漆黑变成灰暗
watching through windows                             望着窗外
you're wondering if I'm ok                           你思虑着不知我是否还好
secrets stolen from deep inside                      深埋心底的秘密被窃取
the drum beats out of time                           敲击声不合节拍

if you're lost you can look and you will find me     如果你失败你可以环顾并且找到我
time after time                                      反反复复
if you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting         如果你沉落我会抓住你我会等待你
time after time                                      反反复复

you say go slow                                      你说慢下来
I fall behind                                        我就落到了后面
the second hand unwinds                              早就很清楚了

if you're lost you can look and you will find me     如果你失败你可以环顾并且找到我
time after time                                      反反复复
if you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting         如果你沉落我会抓住你我会等待你
time after time                                      反反复复
time after time                                      反反复复
time after time                                      反反复复
共1 条记录, 每页显示 10 条, 页签: [1]

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