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主题:Private Investigations - Dire Straits

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Private Investigations - Dire Straits  发帖心情 Post By:2008-07-18 21:25:43 [只看该作者]

private investigations                             私密调查

dire straits                                             恐惧海峡

It's a mystery to me - the game commences                这游戏的开始是如此难以置信
For the usual fee - plus expenses                        通常的付出和附加的代价
Confidential information - it's in a diary               隐秘的信息写在日记中
This is my investigation - it's not a public inquiry     暗地的查探而不是公开的质问

I go checking out the reports - digging up the dirt      去核实那些传言,挖掘那些污迹
You get to meet all sorts in this line of work           你终将面对这所有的一切
Treachery and treason - there's always an excuse for it  一切背叛或许总有值得原谅的理由
And when I find the reason I still can't get used to it  当我找到答案,却依然无法习以为常

And what have you got at the end of the day?             结束的时候你得到了什么?
What have you got to take away?                          得到的那些你带走了什么?
A bottle of whisky and a new set of lies                 一瓶威士忌,和一套新的谎言
Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes          窗前的盲者眼底的伤痛

Scarred for life - no compensation                       终生无法弥补的创伤
Private investigations                                   这私密的调查
