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-- 作者:判官 -- 发布时间:2005-03-14 20:16:33 -- Windflowers 这支歌,大家常听的恐怕都是齐秦姐俩的翻唱版吧?听听原版的吧。 在国人翻唱的欧美歌曲中,个人认为齐秦对这支歌的翻唱是顶尖水平的了。至少,我还没听过其他任何一个哪怕是接近原版水平的。 相对来说,原版用纯器乐配器,包括前奏的提琴(管风琴?)弦乐,骨干的纯净原声木吉他电吉他,背景点缀的钢琴小过门,加上贯穿副歌部始终,两头并重的同步男声和声演唱,表达一种乡谣气息的淡淡的忧伤和无奈;而齐秦的翻唱版本,齐豫的声音在演唱部分就开始退入了背景,更多的起到一件乐器的作用。同时更多的使用了电子音效,结合着节奏感更强劲的电声鼓和架子鼓,营造的是一种浓浓的迷幻摇滚的梦境效果。可以说各有千秋,难分高下。 Windflowers - Seals And Crofts 白头翁(一种植物,不是大鸟) - 希尔 & 克罗夫茨 (windflowers, my father told me not to go near them 白头翁,我老爸告诉我别到它们跟前去 he said he feared them always 说他总是很惧它们 and he told me that they carried him away 他还告诉我,说它们会使他无法自控 windflowers, beautiful windflowers 白头翁,美丽的白头翁 I couldn\'t wait to touch them 我等不及去摸它们啊 to smell them I held them closely 去把它们抱到身边狂嗅啊 and now I can not break away 然后我就沦陷了 their sweet bouquet disappears 它们可爱的花朵忽然就没影了 like the vapor in the desert 就像沙漠里的海市蜃楼 so...take a warning son..... 所以啊,引以为戒吧儿子 windflowers....ancient windflowers 白头翁,古老的白头翁 their beauty captures every young dreamer 它们的美丽俘获了每个年轻的追梦人 who lingered near them 谁绕着它们转就逮谁啊 ancient winflowers I love you) 古老的白头翁啊,我爱你! windflowers, my father told me not to go near them 白头翁,我老爸告诉我别到它们跟前去 he feared them always 他总是很惧它们 said they carriedhim away 说它们会使他无法自控 windflowers, I couldn\'t wait to touch them 白头翁,我等不及去摸它们啊 to smell them I held them closely 去把它们抱到身边狂嗅啊 now I can not break away 然后我就沦陷了 their sweet bouquet disappears 它们可爱的花朵忽然就没影了 like the vapor in the desert 就像沙漠里的海市蜃楼 so...take a warning son..... 所以啊,引以为戒吧儿子 windflowers, their beauty captures every young dreamer 白头翁,它们的美丽俘获了每个年轻的追梦人 who lingered near them 谁绕着它们转就逮谁啊 ancient winflowers I love you 古老的白头翁啊,我爱你! 曾经我以为这是个笑话。如今我知道这真的是个悲剧。儿子,我对不起你。我太少提醒你这些事了。 |